Island Lore Black Mountain Island has many tales, myths and legends. Dig deeper and you may find more than you anticipated… Dante's Nightmare Out of the darkness emerged a young boy who made his way down a dusty path strewn with carved pumpkins, his little painted nose ruffled slightly from the smell ofThe Feast Of The DeadA well-manicured hand emerged from the bed covers striking blindly and repeatedly until the snooze button was found and deactivated. A long yawn escaped from a young woman’s mouth followedSamsara & The PrivateerThe sand crunched under a pair of light buckled leather boots as they set foot on Black Mountain island. The sun began to rise, a clean-shaven man picked up hisThe Beast of Renshaw Forest The wind howled repeatedly battering a young man’s olive skin as he ran through the Renshaw forest. He stopped momentarily to look back, his brown eyes caught a glimpse ofTurn On, Tune In, Drop Dead The sun glistened on the calm waters of Branwen Loch. ‘White Rabbit’ by Jefferson Airplane could be heard coming from one of the large wooden cabins in the centre ofMaya's Nirvana The sun shone its rays upon the east village on Black Mountain Island; not a breath of wind or a cloud was in sight. Car doors could be heard slammingSomething in the Darkness Knows my Name – Damien PerentThe smell of stagnant water wafted from the muddy ground as a man swatted the flies swarming around him. He swore as he made his way through the mud-covered terrain Keep checking for new stories – a new Island Lore tale will be added every fortnight…